GROW O'ahu

Home Gardening in the 808

Versatile Blogger

The beautiful and creative blogger Assia, over at Assiaskaleidescope nominated my little corner of the blog world for the Versatile Blogger Award! How very kind!

She writes about many fascinating bloggers, so please check out her lovely narrative.

So here are the Rules for Versatile Blogger Award:

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Thank you! Mahalo Nui! Muchas Gracias. Merci.

Seven Things About Myself: (I won’t do the Two-Truths-and-a-Lie game, promise)

  1. I’m a total sucker for big, tough looking pitbull dogs. I adore them.
  2. I did not see the ocean until I was 20 years old.
  3. Pecan Pie is my absolute favorite.
  4. I sometimes have visions of the future- and they come true.
  5. I can say “thank you” in 8 languages, but can’t write it.
  6. I sort of hate room service. I can make my own bed.
  7. It was hard to write these about ME. Without including facts about the hubs, kid, mother, etc etc. 🙂

And now for the 15 Bloggers I follow and love:

  1. Kari, at Outside Air writes beautifully and I always take a minute to be introspective after reading her posts.
  2. Andrea, at Onion in My Hair who always has a great idea for healthy vegan food, even when on the run.
  3. Megs, at Domestic Diva, MD because despite having some horrific/hilarious medical stories, is always entertaining and provides some yummy story related recipes.
  4. Becky, at Clover and Thyme who has interesting mini-home projects and so many tasty recipes I’ll never have time to try them all.
  5. Jen, at Eat. Swim. Shop. because I ADORE her themed cupcakes for every occasion and shout outs to Girl Scouts.
  6. Ana, at Anaslense, who with just one photo can make my day a little more uplifting.
  7. Meg, at Ginger-Snapped, who I have been vicariously traveling in Europe with via her food and photos.
  8. Deborah, at Romancing the Bee, for her array of posts on bees, food and other mysteries. She is seriously making me want to have bees again.
  9. Kristen, at Five in Tow, who has made me laugh, brought tears and writes with a sense of humanity that could only come from being a fabulous Mother to five.
  10. The Crunk Feminist Collective, who I have followed for years, always challenges me, reminds me why I’m a feminist, and quality of writing can’t be beat.
  11. Feministing, though not hosted by WordPress, this blog was the first one I ever “followed” and always give love to these women who dedicate themselves to writing about stuff I don’t hear about on the news. Word.
  12. Miriam, at Radical Doula, who I have also followed for years, and whom I always learn something and feel invigorated to DO MORE after reading.
  13. Jon, at Without an H, has some of the most gorgeous photos I have ever laid eyes on.  The color, the human expression and angles are fantastic.
  14. Soilentgreens, for the educational material on GMOs and being as outraged as I am.
  15. Jenny, at Plowing Forward, as a shout out to fellow Iowa girl-blogger and some great country stories!

Whew. That’s a whole-lotta bloggin’ and now I’m tired and need more coffee.  Thanks again for the nomination, and I hope you have found some more great reads here from these most excellent people.


8 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger

  1. Congratulations!!! Your blog deserves it. I came home from grocery shopping and after reading your blog, that pineapple top is getting planted! 🙂

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    You’re my new best friend!! 🙂

    P.S. This week’s posts will be all Southern spring food – Easter, Derby, Steeplechase, etc. Check in for some good eating!!

  3. Why, thank you for the nomination! You’ve been so kind in your regular visits and comments at my new little slice of the blogosphere! I’m so grateful 🙂

  4. thank you so much for the nomination! i really appreciate it 🙂

  5. Thanks for nominating me! I’ll play along today! 🙂
